Friday, June 29, 2007

My Heart Leaps Up- William Wordsworth

"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky; so was it when my life began; so is it now I am a man; so be it when I shall grow old, or let me die!"

This poem speaks to me of an appreciation for life. I we admire the wonders around us, we will find there is little to complain about. The rainbow signifies God's promises. When we feel a little down and out, we can think of the rainbow. When we think of a rainbow, we also think of the rain that comes before it. The rain can be light, heavy, thunderous or scary. So is the course of life. So when things get rough, let's do like the author and allow our hearts to leap at the beauty that' around the corner.

When Shall I Tread Your Garden Path

"When shall I tread your Garder Path? Or climb your shelter hill? When shall I wander, free as air, and track the foaming rill?" (294)

I love the spirit of Dorothy Wordsworth. Although she had been feeble for five years at this point, she still had a desire and belief to walk again. She refused to accept her present day situation as her last will and testament to life. How often do we see someone in a physically or emotionally "lame" situation who seem to have given up? No matter how much we tell them to "keep hope alive" or it will get better, they seem determined to focus on the agony of 'right now'. This guy at church was operated on by his doctor, and the doctor "messed up" and left the guy crippled and in a wheelchair. Regardless of the awful situation, this guy still came to church with a smile on his face saying he would walk again. Months went by but he now is walking with a cane. I so glad, that like Dorothy Wordsworth, he maintained the hope that eventually became a reality.

The Subjection of Women-John Mill

"Men do not want solely the obedience of women, they want their sentiments. All men, except the most brutish, desire to have, in the woman most nearly connected with them, not a forced slave but a willing one, not a slave merely, but a favourite. They have therefore put everything in practice to enslave their minds. The masters of all other slaves rely, for maintaining obedience, on fear; either fear of themselves, or religious fears." (523)

This reminds me of domestic violence. Before you say..what??????, let me explain. One of my teachers is a domestic violence counselor. She explained to us that domestic violence is not only when a women/man is physically abuse but often only consist of mental abuse in the form of control. A man with a controlling nature will likely say he didn't force the woman to do anything. But she, the woman, has gotten accustomed to granting his every whim, regardless of her feelings, that she quickly obeys, and appears to be a "willing slave". My college roommate had a boyfriend who was physically abusive, when they were alone and mentally abusive when others were around. He would ask her to do something and when she objected he would get up and walk towards her with a stone face glaring at her. He had programmed her to fear him and she consequently did what she was told.

God"s Grandeur-Gerard Hopkins

"The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?" (774)

Often times I look at things in nature and the environment and wonder what made God think of that. Like the stars in the sky. Each one looking almost identical but in reality are shaped and sized differently. Like the trees and grass. I believe green is God's favorite color, because you see it everywhere you go. When I look up into the sky, I sometimes try to focus real hard to see how far I can see. I wonder, why he made mountains and valleys and how does the ocean know where to stop. All of this to me, is the grandeur of God.

Hap- Thomas Hardy

"If but some vengeful god would call to me from up the sky, and laugh:' Thou suffering thing, know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy, that thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!' Then would I bear it, clench myself, and die, steeled by the sense of ire unmerited; Half-eased in that a Powerfuller than I had willed and meted me the tears I shed. "(1073)

We know that God is loving and kind and wants us to "proper and be in health, even as our soul prospers." (Bible) When things are going good, we attribute that to God blessing us. When things go bad, we usually attribute that to some evil force. Sometimes in life we go through such pain and disappointments that our intellectual vision is clouded. Such is the case in this poem. His situation was so unbearable that he thought God was playing a cruel joke. If we believe that God ultimately wants what is best for us, when bad things happen, we can endure it better by telling ourselves that it is God's will for our lives.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Letter and Journal Entries on the Position of Women-Queen Victoria

I found the Queen to be a woman with a great since of humor and blatant honesty. I actually cracked up while reading "To Princess Frederick William". In this letter, the Queen is giving maternal advice to her newly married daughter on the sufferings of pregnancy.

"Now to reply to your observation that you find a married woman has much more liberty than an unmarried one; in one sense of the word she has,-but what I meant was-in a physical point of view- and if you have hereafter........aches-and sufferings and miseries and plagues-which you must struggle against-and enjoyments etc. to give up- constant precautions to take, you will fell the yoke of a married woman!" (576)

It's funny how newlyweds think all grass is green, the sky is always blue and holding hands in public is a must! So blinded by love seems to be the case with the Queens daughter. Writing to her mother on the great advantages of being married and having kids, she, like most daughters, wanted to share her joy. The Queen, in today's language would have commented "you have no idea". Although we love our kids and wouldn't give anything for them, moms must admit those were not 9 months of bliss. I remember swollen ankles, an aching back, sleeping sitting up and hanging my head out the window cause my husband put on the wrong cologne and I was getting nauseous. There were days that I wished I could reach in there a pull the baby out myself. So, I agree with the Queen, "I think our sex a most unenviable one." (577)

The Wife of Asdrubal- Felicia Hemans

"This governor, who had braved death when it was at a distance, and protested that the sun should never see him survive Carthage, this fierce Asdrubal, was so mean-spirited, as to come alone, and privately throw himself at the conqueror's feet. " (406)

I see this story as one of betrayal and revenge. Asdrubal was well respected by his army of men and by his wife. He had lead many triumphant wars and to the people, this was just one more battle to fight. After recognizing their defeat, Asdrubal, maybe fearing his impending death, selfishly and secretly, went to the Roman ruler to spare his own life. When I read this, I thought of a movie I saw once. The father was a local community leader and banker who had what looked like the American dream...beautiful wife, 2 great kids, and a home in a great neighborhood. But in his private time he was under great stress and stealing money from work to make ends met. When Federal Agents started asking questions and coming to his home, he knew it wouldn't be long before he would be arrested. Instead of standing with his family in the face of adversity, he took what money they had and left town, changing his name and starting over. His wife had to deal with police, who thought she was in on it, and the nagging bill collectors. The man she once held in high regard, had abandoned her when their worlds were falling apart.

"...there the proconsul attacked them; ...finding there was no way to escape, set fire to the temple." Sometimes the people in our lives, family or friends, count on us for strength and encouragement during the tough times of our lives. When we fail to endure the hardest of times, I believe those around us lose a bit of hope. My parents are thrill that I have finally returned to college and they are part of the reason that I did. But more importantly, I have to show my kids and nieces and nephews that in spite of the set backs that I have faced in life, I'm determined to make it through. If I give up, they may lose their desire to fight obstacles that come their way.

"and having uttered the most bitter imprecations against her husband, whom she saw standing below with Emilianus,-'Base coward!' said she, 'the mean things thou hast done to save thy life shall not avail thee; thou shalt die this instant, at least in thy two children.' Having thus spoken, she drew out a dagger, stabbed them both, and while they were yet struggling for life, threw them from the top of the temple, and leaped down after them into the flames."

This is the most heart wrenching part of the story. Can you imaging dying a physical, emotional, or financial death, while the one who escaped it all, is standing by watching? Asdrubal's wife was so driven by anger and revenge, she did the only thing she could to "get him back". But by doing this dreadful deed, she made her children's inevitable death worst than it would have been, if she had cuddled them till the end.